April 19th - ZenZero The Solar Plexus (Confidence & Empowerment) - Linda Fernandez
The Solar Plexus Chakra (Confidence & Empowerment)
When a solar plexus chakra is open and flowing in a healthy way, we step into our own personal power and take full responsibility for our actions. Regardless of any challenges we may encounter, we trust in our own journey of becoming and we confidently take the necessary steps to realize our potential.
ZenZero is a guided group hypnosis experience that supports you on your journey of self-development and personal growth. It allows you to utilize your own resources and creativity in a gentle, yet powerful way, so that you can gain greater clarity and insight into your own thought patterns, emotional states and behavior. By resetting these patterns, you become more present and aware in the NOW moment, conditioning your focus and concentration on only the things you desire, and optimizing your mind and body to live life in a more joyful, authentic, and inspired way.
Each class will have its own theme and focus with transformational tools that go beyond meditation, creative visualizations and positive affirmations.