Meet Jordan Turchin | Bold Journey

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Jordan Turchin. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Jordan below.

Hi Jordan, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?

While we’ve grown into a boutique resort over the years, we are deeply rooted here on the farm in nature. That close relationship with Mother Earth, being a constant witness to the cycle of life – birth, growth, decomposition- has been the best teacher and guide when it goes to resilience. Take a seed, it’s pushed deep into darkness, with immense pressure, and then only if the conditions are right will it sprout. From there, it grows but the elements persistently test its fate. And if you look around there is growth everywhere, despite the perceived setbacks. Everything in nature has to be resilient. And we are, after all, nature. So we just take a deep breath, embrace our surroundings, and step into the flow.


Meet Rachel Turchin | Canvas Rebel


Have Fun While Your Kids Are at the Asheville, NC, Summer Camps